I saw many topics about this subject and I have been unsuccessful in understanding how to do it.
For example, if I have this table:
| id | name | class |
| 5 | test | one |
| 10 | test2 | one |
| 12 | test5 | one |
| 7 | test6 | two |
and I want to show only X random rows from class "one", how can I do that?
NOTE: it's a big table, so I don't want to use ORDER BY RAND
solution that most people recommend doesn't scale to large tables, as you already know.
SET @r := (SELECT FLOOR(RAND() * (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable)));
SET @sql := CONCAT('SELECT * FROM mytable LIMIT 1 OFFSET ', @r);
PREPARE stmt1 FROM @sql;
EXECUTE stmt1;
I cover this and other solutions in my book, SQL Antipatterns: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Database Programming.
If you want to do this with PHP, you could do something like this (not tested):
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable")
$row = $result->fetch_row();
$count = $row[0];
$offset = mt_rand(0, $count);
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM mytable LIMIT 1 OFFSET $offset");
select ID, NAME, CLASS
where CLASS='one'
order by rand()
limit $x
ordering by rand()
is not particularly efficient, but it's about the smallest/quickest way of doing it.
SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `class`="one" ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 5