ConcurrentDictionary GetOrAdd async

2019-08-20 12:33发布


I want to use something like GetOrAdd with a ConcurrentDictionary as a cache to a webservice. Is there an async version of this dictionary? GetOrAdd will be making a web request using HttpClient, so it would be nice if there was a version of this dictionary where GetOrAdd was async.

To clear up some confusion, the contents of the dictionary will be the response from a call to a webservice.

ConcurrentDictionary<string, Response> _cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Response>();

var response = _cache.GetOrAdd("id", (x) => { _httpClient.GetAsync(x).GetAwaiter().GetResponse();} )


GetOrAdd won't become an asynchronous operation because accessing the value of a dictionary isn't a long running operation.

What you can do however is simply store tasks in the dictionary, rather than the materialized result. Anyone needing the results can then await that task.

However, you also need to ensure that the operation is only ever started once, and not multiple times. To ensure that some operation runs only once, and not multiple times, you also need to add in Lazy:

ConcurrentDictionary<string, Lazy<Task<Response>>> _cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Lazy<Task<Response>>>();

var response = await _cache.GetOrAdd("id", url => new Lazy<Task<Response>>(_httpClient.GetAsync(url))).Value;


The GetOrAdd method is not that great to use for this purpose. Since it does not guarantee that the factory runs only once, the only purpose it has is a minor optimization (minor since additions are rare anyway) in that it doesn't need to hash and find the correct bucket twice (which would happen twice if you get and set with two separate calls).

I would suggest that you check the cache first, if you do not find the value in the cache, then enter some form of critical section (lock, semaphore, etc.), re-check the cache, if still missing then fetch the value and insert into the cache.

This ensures that your backing store is only hit once; even if multiple requests get a cache miss at the same time, only the first one will actually fetch the value, the other requests will await the semaphore and then return early since they re-check the cache in the critical section.

Psuedo code (using SemaphoreSlim with count of 1, since you can await it asynchronously):

async Task<TResult> GetAsync(TKey key)
    // Try to fetch from catch
    if (cache.TryGetValue(key, out var result)) return result;

    // Get some resource lock here, for example use SemaphoreSlim 
    // which has async wait function:
    await semaphore.WaitAsync();    
        // Try to fetch from cache again now that we have entered 
        // the critical section
        if (cache.TryGetValue(key, out result)) return result;

        // Fetch data from source (using your HttpClient or whatever), 
        // update your cache and return.
        return cache[key] = await FetchFromSourceAsync(...);