I have a an aync method that is looped:
private Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetResponseMessage(Region region, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
var longLatString = $"q={region.LongLat.Lat},{region.LongLat.Long}";
var startDateString = $"{startDateQueryParam}={ConvertDateTimeToApixuQueryString(startDate)}";
var endDateString = $"{endDateQueryParam}={ConvertDateTimeToApixuQueryString(endDate)}";
var url = $"http://api?key={Config.Key}&{longLatString}&{startDateString}&{endDateString}";
return Client.GetAsync(url);
I then take the response and save it to my ef core database, however in some instances I get this Exception message: The Operaiton was canceled
I really dont understand that. This is a TCP handshake issue?
For context I am making many of these calls, passing response to the method that writes to db (which is also so slow Its unbelievable):
private async Task<int> WriteResult(Response apiResponse, Region region)
// since context is not thread safe we ensure we have a new one for each insert
// since a .net core app can insert data at the same time from different users different instances of context
// must be thread safe
using (var context = new DalContext(ContextOptions))
var batch = new List<HistoricalWeather>();
foreach (var forecast in apiResponse.Forecast.Forecastday)
// avoid inserting duplicates
var existingRecord = context.HistoricalWeather
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RegionId == region.Id &&
IsOnSameDate(x.Date.UtcDateTime, forecast.Date));
if (existingRecord != null)
var newHistoricalWeather = new HistoricalWeather
RegionId = region.Id,
CelsiusMin = forecast.Day.Mintemp_c,
CelsiusMax = forecast.Day.Maxtemp_c,
CelsiusAverage = forecast.Day.Avgtemp_c,
MaxWindMph = forecast.Day.Maxwind_mph,
PrecipitationMillimeters = forecast.Day.Totalprecip_mm,
AverageHumidity = forecast.Day.Avghumidity,
AverageVisibilityMph = forecast.Day.Avgvis_miles,
UvIndex = forecast.Day.Uv,
Date = new DateTimeOffset(forecast.Date),
Condition = forecast.Day.Condition.Text
var inserts = await context.SaveChangesAsync();
return inserts;
Edit: I am making 150,000 calls. I know this is questionable since It all goes in memory I guess before even doing a save but this is where I got to in trying to make this run faster... only I guess my actual writing code is blocking :/
var dbInserts = await Task.WhenAll(
getTasks // the list of all api get requests
.Select(async x => {
// parsed can be null if get failed
var parsed = await ParseApixuResponse(x.Item1); // readcontentasync and just return the deserialized json
return new Tuple<ApiResult, Region>(parsed, x.Item2);
.Select(async x => {
var finishedGet = await x;
if(finishedGet.Item1 == null)
return 0;
return await writeResult(finishedGet.Item1, finishedGet.Item2);