I'm trying to use auto-generated advancedDataGrid - ADGV (adgv.codeplex.com).
Problem is that the below shown procedure does not succeed with updating the SQL table every time... It is exactly every second Event raised...
private void advancedDataGridView1_CellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
int rowIdx = advancedDataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex;
DataRowView drv = (DataRowView)advancedDataGridView1.Rows[rowIdx].DataBoundItem;
DataRow dr = drv.Row;
this.levTableAdapter.Update(dr); //strange, but Update is done every second time....
How to debug it?, if I add another line of this.levTableAdapter.Update(dr) - it will not help either...
EDIT: Looked into behaviour again and I have to update:
1st enter "A" - noChangeSQL, Event picks "A", "A" in the datagrid cell.
2nd enter "B" - "A" in SQL, Event picks "A", "A" in cell.
3rd enter "C" - "A" in SQL, Event picks "C", "C" in cell.
4rd enter "D" - "C" in SQL, Event picks "C", "C" in cell.
5th enter "E" - "C" in SQL, Event picks "E", "E" in cell.