Try to create new project with INET reference, got

2019-08-20 11:07发布


I created a project which contains my linklayer and simulation source code. This project has INET as the project reference.

At build time, I got this error:

Error: syntax error, unexpected NAME, expecting $end

It comes from the message file (which contains types of messages):

import inet.common.INETDefs;

My message file is very similar to the Bmac message file (also tried with Bmac, got the same error).

Any idea please?


INET 4.X uses a new version of message compiler. But OMNeT++ by default sets in new project the old one.
In your project go to Properties, select OMNeT++ | Makemake | src folder | Options... | Custom and add the following line:

MSGC:=$(MSGC) --msg6

标签: omnet++ inet