
Why is integer(0) outputted when I use the which()

2019-08-20 10:55发布


I am trying to determine which variables in my V1 column have values in the V5 column that are in the range of 95-105 and also have values in the V6 column that are in the 7-13 range. I am using the which function and attempting to store the names of the variables in V1 under the variable x but I keep getting the output integer(0) or character(0) and I'm not sure what that means. An image of my code is attached below.


integer(0) means there are no elements of your data frame that satisfy the conditions. (You could try

with(df, any(95 <= V5 & V5 <= 105 & 
             13 <= V6 & V6 <= 17))

(edited on the basis of @H1's comment, to match your description rather than your code); rearranging slightly to approximate the A < B < C syntax that R's parser can't handle ...)

You should probably check str(df) and/or summary(df) (or sapply(df, class)) to make sure that your data frame has really been read in as intended (or use dplyr::read_csv(), which prints information about the classes inferred from the data set. In particular, any typos in your data that make an entry not be a valid number (extra decimal point, missing value such as "?" not recognized as missing, etc.) will make R interpret the entire column as a character (since you've set stringsAsFactors=FALSE) rather than a numeric variable.

If you want to force columns 2-14 to numeric, you can use df[-1] <- lapply(df[-1], as.numeric) however, it would be better practice to find and fix any problems upstream ...

标签: r which