add two different queries result into one table

2019-08-20 11:21发布


I have two different query (having same no. of columns in result). I want to put both in one table.

for example i have following table:

id     country     salary 
1        us        10000

2        uk        25000

3        us        35000

4        uk        31000

5        uk        26000

now I have following queries:

Query 1 :

select * from table where country='us';


Query 2 :

select * from table where country='uk';

i have one final table having six columns like:

 id1   |country1  |  salary 1 |  id2  |  country2 |  salary2

Now, i want to put both queries result in this table so following output should be shown:

Desired Output:

id1   |country1  |  salary 1  |  id2   |  country2 |  salary2 
 1    |     us   |   10000    |    2   |      uk   |   25000

 3    |     us   |   35000    |    4   |      uk   |   31000

null  |   null   |   null     |    5   |      uk   |   26000

I have tried this but it doesn't combine the result:

insert into table (id1,country1,salary1)
select id,country,salary
from table1
where country='us';


insert into table (id2,country2,salary2)
select id,country,salary
from table1
where country='uk';

but it gives following result:

id1   |country1    |  salary 1  |  id2      |  country2   |  salary2 
 1    |     us     |     10000  |     null  |     null    |     null

3     |    us      |    35000   |    null   |    null     |    null

null  |   null     |   null     |   2       |    uk       |    25000

null  |   null     |   null     |   4       |    uk       |    31000

null  |   null     |   null     |   5       |    uk       |    26000

Please help me out:


If your DBMS support window functions, you may use them to join your intermediate result appropriately.

select,, t1.salary,,, t2.salary
  select *, row_number() over (order by id) rn
  from data
  where country = 'us'
) t1
full join
  select *, row_number() over (order by id) rn
  from data
  where country = 'uk'
) t2 on t1.rn = t2.rn



id      country salary  id  country salary
1       us      10000   2   uk      25000
3       us      35000   4   uk      31000
null    null    null    5   uk      26000