I will change the website, to make this question better. Still facing similar issues, that can't use only rvest package and maybe answer will be easier to obtain with RSelenium. Website: http://ravimaailma.fi/cg/tulokset/20/ and I want to obtain links from the main article which would direct me to individual race results. Links look something like this: http://ravimaailma.fi/article/tulokset/pori-18-11-2017-tulokset/8718/
I'm trying to use simple Rvest as thought that would be all needed here. SelectorGadget is giving links CSS as .article-title a
, so my code is simply
url %>%
read_html() %>%
html_nodes(".article-title a") %>%
This will return nothing. Website loads more results when you scroll down, but I thought I would atleast get first results out. Below gives out some links and links 28:32 looks promising, but I think they are links from the sidebar, not from article.
url %>%
read_html() %>%
html_nodes("a") %>%
What I'm I doing wrong here and can RSelenium help me?