I cannot connect to a remote VM using Java Mission Control. I can connect using VisualVM with relative ease. The reason I want to use Mission Control is due to a long-standing bug with VisualVM having to be restarted whenever the remote VM is restarted. Therefore, most of the leg-work involved in remote JMX connections is already in-place.
I have already enhanced the configuration for Mission Control as instructed here: https://technology.first8.nl/using-mission-controle-for-remote-profiling/
Java Version: 1.7.0_79-b15
JVM parameters:
-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=< redacted public IP address >
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.login.config=< redacted JMX config name >
-Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=< redacted password >
I am using authentication and SSL because this is being used in a production environment. The JMX server and RMI ports are different because for some reason I could not get them working on the same port.
Custom JMX Remote Access jmxremote.access:
monitorRole readonly
controlRole readwrite \
create javax.management.monitor.*,javax.management.timer.*,com.sun.management.*,com.oracle.jrockit.* \
Whenever I attempt to connect to either Flight Control or the Console I get the following message:
Could not connect to Foo Bar Service : access denied ("javax.management.MBeanPermission" "javax.management.MBeanServerDelegate#-[JMImplementation:type=MBeanServerDelegate]" "addNotificationListener")
Unable to resolve the connection credentials for Foo Bar Service. Problem was: access denied ("javax.management.MBeanPermission" "javax.management.MBeanServerDelegate#-[JMImplementation:type=MBeanServerDelegate]" "addNotificationListener")
This makes no sense to me because authentication and authorization are working properly with VisualVM, in fact when connecting with Mission Control I see this in server logs:
[16:46:47] [RMI TCP Connection(2044)-some.redacted.ip.address/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sun.security.auth.module.LdapLoginModule:initialize:481]: [LdapLoginModule] search-first mode; SSL disabled
[16:46:47] [RMI TCP Connection(2044)-some.redacted.ip.address/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sun.security.auth.module.LdapLoginModule:login:508]: [LdapLoginModule] user provider: ldap://localhost/ou=redacted-ou,dc=redacted-dc-1,dc=redacted-dc-2
[16:46:47] [RMI TCP Connection(2044)-some.redacted.ip.address/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sun.security.auth.module.LdapLoginModule:findUserDN:868]: [LdapLoginModule] searching for entry belonging to user: redacted-user
[16:46:47] [RMI TCP Connection(2044)-some.redacted.ip.address/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sun.security.auth.module.LdapLoginModule:findUserDN:895]: [LdapLoginModule] found entry: uid=redacted-user,ou=redacted-ou,dc=redacted-dc-1,dc=redacted-dc-2
[16:46:47] [RMI TCP Connection(2044)-some.redacted.ip.address/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sun.security.auth.module.LdapLoginModule:attemptAuthentication:807]: [LdapLoginModule] attempting to authenticate user: redacted-user
[16:46:47] [RMI TCP Connection(2044)-some.redacted.ip.address/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sun.security.auth.module.LdapLoginModule:login:570]: [LdapLoginModule] authentication succeeded
[16:46:47] [RMI TCP Connection(2044)-some.redacted.ip.address/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sun.security.auth.module.LdapLoginModule:commit:621]: [LdapLoginModule] added LdapPrincipal "uid=redacted-user,ou=redacted-ou,dc=redacted-dc-1,dc=redacted-dc-2" to Subject
[16:46:47] [RMI TCP Connection(2044)-some.redacted.ip.address/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sun.security.auth.module.LdapLoginModule:commit:631]: [LdapLoginModule] added UserPrincipal "redacted-user" to Subject
[16:46:47] [RMI TCP Connection(2044)-some.redacted.ip.address/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sun.security.auth.module.LdapLoginModule:commit:642]: [LdapLoginModule] added UserPrincipal "controlRole" to Subject
I figure it's safe to disable LDAP server SSL because it is not exposed outside of the VPS (feedback welcome). As you can see I take as confirmation the messages "authentication succeeded" and "added UserPrincipal "controlRole" to Subject" that it's working, but Mission Control disagrees. There doesn't appear to be any javax.management.*
specific log messages indicating what went wrong.