I've been following Silverstripe DataObjects as Pages - Part 2: Using Model Admin and URL Segments to create a product catalogue tutorial on my localhost and running into a sidebar problem.
When I use the same method to create a sidebar as tutorial one, an error message shows on my site [User Error] Uncaught Exception: Object->__call(): the method 'categorypages' does not exist on 'Product'
This is the code I added to Product.php for sidebar to appear.
//Return the Title as a menu title
public function MenuTitle()
return $this->Title;
//Ensure that the DO shows up in menu (it is needed otherwise sidebar doesn't show when not logged in)
function canView()
return $this->CategoryPages()->canView();
Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Thanks very much.
have you tried $this->Categories()->First()->canView()
reading the comments below it seems to me you're trying to call canView on the list of all of your related CategoryPage objects (ComponentSet)
as you mentioned in the comments below, you get an error now in the cms calling canView on a non-object. my guess is you haven't attached any Categories yet to some Product, therefore Categories()->First() returns NULL. please try:
function canView() {
//always show this product for users with full administrative rights (see tab 'Security' in CMS
if(Permission::check('ADMIN')) return true;
//go and get all categories this product belongs to
$categories = $this->Categories();
//are there any categories?
if($categories->Count() > 0) {
//get the first category to see wheter it's viewable by the current user
return $categories->First()->canView();
} else {
//product doesn't belong to any categories, so don't render it
return false;
i don't really get though why you implemented this canView check. does it really matter wheter a Product is already related to a category? otherwise, just return true;
in your canView method.
I haven't tried it myself, but taking a look at the comments you should change $Category = $this->CategoryPages()->First();
to $Category = $this->Categories()->First();
The error would suggest to me that you do not have a has_one relationship on your Product class with the name 'CategoryPages'. The example in the tutorial has the following on the StaffMember class (note the StaffPage relationship):
static $has_one = array (
'StaffPage' => 'StaffPage',
'Photo' => 'Image'
This is what is referenced in the example canView function ($this->StaffPage()):
function canView()
return $this->StaffPage()->canView();
Do you have an equivalent relationship named 'CategoryPages' on your Product? You need to specify the relationship to the parent correctly.