I can't get an access token for my Android app from Spotify because I can connect to the end point.
I need the access token of my Android app and I tried the following: 1) Spotify Android auth library. I can't find the spotify-auth-version.aar they talk about. 2) building manually the url. Here is an example:
When I try to connect I get every possible kind of error: "Missing required parameter: client_id", "INVALID_CLIENT: Invalid redirect URI", "Page not found", and even other I don't remember. I suppose that the problem is with the redirect_uri. So, I added several different redirect address and tried all of them, but nothing.
Here are my addresses as I added them in my app: https://spotify_test.com/callback http://marcoalunno.com/callback http://localhost:8888/callback/ http://marcoalunno.com.spotify_test/callback
and their encoded versions: https%3A%2F%2Fspotify_test.com%2Fcallback%0A http%3A%2F%2Fmarcoalunno.com%2Fcallback%0A http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8888%2Fcallback%2F%0A http%3A%2F%2Fmarcoalunno.com.spotify_test%2Fcallback
I know that many people asked about "INVALID_CLIENT: Invalid redirect URI" on Stackoverflow, but I couldn't find a conclusive answer and I'm getting seriously frustrated with this.