difflib.get_close_matches() - Help getting desired

2019-08-20 07:45发布


The basic gist of the program is to start with a list of employee names, then sort it. Wait for user to input "end" to stop populating the list of names (I have 100 names, I cut it short for the example). Afterwards, the user can enter an employee name and the program will run difflib.get_close_matches().

Here's the question; I'm getting a syntax error for get_close_matches. How should I be entering the difflib differently? Also; if you have any tips for making the code more efficient, please also state how and why it's more efficient. I'm fairly inexperienced with Python, so be gentle, eh?


import difflib
employeeNames = ['Colton','Jayne','Barb','Carlene','Dick','Despina']
endInput = input('Type "end" to view list of names.\n\n')
if endInput == "end":
    userEmpName = input("Please enter the employee name you're searching for. We'll return the best match on record."
get_close_matches(userEmpName, employeeNames, 1)


Your code has syntax errors: Match this code with yours:

import difflib
employeeNames = ['Colton','Jayne','Barb','Carlene','Dick','Despina']
endInput = raw_input('Type "end" to view list of names.\n\n')
if endInput == "end":
    userEmpName = raw_input("Please enter the employee name you're searching for. We'll return the best match on record.")
    print difflib.get_close_matches(userEmpName, employeeNames, 1)
  1. you didn't close the open brace in input() method.

  2. I suggest using raw_input() instead of using input() while dealing with strings.

  3. you should use the classname.method() if you have imported only the class (in your case import difflib) so use difflib.get_close_matches(string,list,n) instead.

  4. You need to use print statement before the returned value.

Also get_close_matches() should be called inside of if because if endInput!='end' then NameError will occur for userEmpName.


I should have asked you about your python interpreter version.
The print line should use braces like this.

print(difflib.get_close_matches(userEmpName, employeeNames, 1))

The reason is in python 2.x print is a statement(as I mentioned in 4rth point) but in python 3.x its a function.