everyone. I am trying to send email with attachment on it. What I have done is :
controller code snippet:
Mail::send(['name' => 'By System'],array(), function($msg) use ($email,$name,$message,$attachment,$ext,$display) {
$msg->from('ricket999@gmail.com', 'Markle Admin');
$msg->to($email)->subject('Payment Done')
->setBody('This is to notify you that the employee named '.$name.' has been paid for the monthly payment. Thank You.','text/html')
->attach(public_path().'/'.$attachment, ['as' => $display.'.'.$ext, 'mime' => 'application/pdf']); });
catch(Exception $e){
// if any error mark the mail sent status 0
$result = DB::table('message')->where('name',$name)->where('email',$email)->update(['sent'=>'0']);
But it is showing this error :
Type error: Argument 1 passed to Swift_Mime_SimpleMessage::attach() must implement interface Swift_Mime_MimeEntity, string given, called in E:\xampp\htdocs\email-send\app\Http\Controllers\HomeController.php on line 133
What have I missed. I saw this and this but it is same as mine and they say its working but why am I getting this error. Any kind of help are appreciated. Thank you.