I have data of about 2100000 rows. The time taken for full-import is about 2 minutes. For any updates in table I'm using delta import to index the updates. The time taken for delta import is 6 minutes.
Considering the efficiency aspect it is better to do full import rather than delta import. So, what is the need of delta import? Is there any better way to use delta import to increase it's efficiency?
I followed the steps in documentation.
<dataSource type="JdbcDataSource" driver="com.dbschema.CassandraJdbcDriver" url="jdbc:cassandra://" autoCommit="true" rowLimit = '-1' batchSize="-1"/>
<document name="content">
<entity name="test" query="SELECT * from person" deltaImportQuery="select * from person where seq=${dataimporter.delta.seq}" deltaQuery="select seq from person where last_modified > '${dataimporter.last_index_time}' ALLOW FILTERING" autoCommit="true">
<field column="seq" name="id" />
<field column="last" name="last_s" />
<field column="first" name="first_s" />
<field column="city" name="city_s" />
<field column="zip" name="zip_s" />
<field column="street" name="street_s" />
<field column="age" name="age_s" />
<field column="state" name="state_s" />
<field column="dollar" name="dollar_s" />
<field column="pick" name="pick_s" />