I tried to use https://github.com/moritz-wundke/Boost-for-Android to compile boost for Android. It reports 1.69.0 is supported for NDK r18b. I'm under Windows 7.
I encountered many problems, some of them I could fix, but finally I could not get anything compiled:
- Installed MinGW
- Installed MySYS
- Added MySYS to PATH
- Ran build-android.bat
- Got error:
<path to NDK r18b> is not a valid NDK root
-> Thats because the script checks if ndk-build exists -> Replaced "ndk-build" by "ndk-build.cmd" in script - Then I got error:
sed: invalid option --E
-> Removed -E option from sed at line 241 - Note that I see a lot of non-blocking warnings
expr: warning: unportable BRE:
- Then I got the error:
Undefined or not supported Android NDK version: Pkg.Revision = 18.1.5063045
(most likely due to this -E option I just removed) -> Replaced"16.0"|....|"18.1")
and removed*)
original statement at lines 301/307 - Then it reported curl was missing, I installed curl and added it to my path
- Finally boost 1.69.0 download started
- Then, I got tones of errors and nothing got built:
C:/dev/boost/Boost-for-Android-master/boost_1_69_0/tools/build/src/tools\common. jam:979: in toolset-tag *** argument error * rule numbers.less ( n1 n2 ) * called with: ( 3 ) * missing argument n2 C:/dev/boost/Boost-for-Android-master/boost_1_69_0/tools/build/src/util\numbers. jam:66:see definition of rule 'numbers.less' being called
am:305: Unescaped special character in argument <compileflags>$(AndroidNDKRoot)/ toolchains/x86_64-4.9/prebuilt/${PlatformOS}-x86_64 Performing configuration checks
and finally:
ERROR: Failed to build boost for android for x86_64!
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
Edit: According to https://github.com/moritz-wundke/Boost-for-Android/issues/156, there is a problem with boost 1.69.0. So I tried with 1.68.0, then I get different errors:
C:\dev\boost\Boost-for-Android-master\boost_1_68_0\tools/build/src\user-config.j am:70: Unescaped special character in argument <compileflags>$(AndroidNDKRoot)/t oolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/${PlatformOS}-x86_64
error: No best alternative for libs/context/build/asm_sources next alternative: required properties: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang ... next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <architecture>combined <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi not matched
and finally
clang-linux.archive ..\build\build\arm64-v8a\boost\bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\clan g-linux-arm64v8a\release\link-static\target-os-android\threading-multi\libboost_ atomic-clang-mt-a64-1_68.a '"ranlib"' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne ou externe, un programme ex'cutable ou un fichier de commandes. "c:/Android2/android-ndk-r18b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/bin/ll vm-ar" rc "..\build\build\arm64-v8a\boost\bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\clang-linux- arm64v8a\release\link-static\target-os-android\threading-multi\libboost_atomic-c lang-mt-a64-1_68.a" "..\build\build\arm64-v8a\boost\bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\cla ng-linux-arm64v8a\release\link-static\target-os-android\threading-multi\lockpool .o" "ranlib" "..\build\build\arm64-v8a\boost\bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\clang-linu x-arm64v8a\release\link-static\target-os-android\threading-multi\libboost_atomic -clang-mt-a64-1_68.a" ...failed clang-linux.archive ..\build\build\arm64-v8a\boost\bin.v2\libs\atomic\ build\clang-linux-arm64v8a\release\link-static\target-os-android\threading-multi \libboost_atomic-clang-mt-a64-1_68.a... ...removing ..\build\build\arm64-v8a\boost\bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\clang-linux- arm64v8a\release\link-static\target-os-android\threading-multi\libboost_atomic-c lang-mt-a64-1_68.a