I need to export excel from my android app. I use Apache-POI library and I get en exception when I run my app "NoClassDefFoundError". But the class is in "poi-ooxml-3.9-20121203.jar" and the jar is connected as external jar. I suppose that it is impossible to use that lib in android development. Any idea or library which can help me for these points:
- Create Excel file
- Read and add rows to it
I have been trying to use Apache POI for my app too and my conclusion was that it has dependencies that conflict with Android. Atleast I was not able to make it work, even with a quite amount of effort.
If the excel documents you wish to export are rather simple, I would suggest using jxl instead. This library unfortunately only supports old excel formats though.
Lars Vogel has made a nice tutorial showing how this is done: http://www.vogella.com/articles/JavaExcel/article.html
Yet another argument for not using POI is the size of the library. It is rather big, hence leaving a huge impact on your app size.
If you really want to use POI, I suggest creating a simple web service for it, having your app call that to create the excel documents.
you can use the latest poi 3.17 for excel xlsx format and run this on android ,provided you have eliminate all the duplicate classes bundle in the xmlbeans-2.6.0.jar, lot of duplicate classes are found under xml /streams and xml/utils, all you need to do is to use the normal zip manager such as 7 zip manager to open and delete off ,some of the examples are as below all those duplicate classes found in the xmlbeans jar .
unfortunately , you can not use any POI method associate with call to java awt library specifically use by POI to work on picture resize or row resize.