I have four sub-organizations defined. (/AdminOrg, /subOrgA, /SubOrgB, /subOrgA/SubOrgAA)
my directory.orgunits.list query return below data. I store the return array in a variable called orgUnits[]:
I have 4 users in my organization. one in each sub-organization. the users.list return below data:
I am trying to get no. of users within an organization (without including sub organizations in them)
Option 1: The query directory.users.list.query("orgUnitPath=/subOrgA") includes users from sub organization (/subOrgA/SubOrgAA) too and does not meet my needs.
Option 2: I tried the query directory.users.list.query("orgName=orgUnits[]->name"). It queries for users[]->organizations[]->name. And this field is null by default. It does not get populated with orgUnits[]->name.
My questions are
How to populate users.organizations[].name?
Is there any way I can get users within an organization without including sub-organizations in them