Convert a string to raw string

2019-08-20 05:33发布


It's easy so declare a raw string

String raw = @'\"Hello\"';

But how can I convert a existing string to a raw string ?
This can come with file reading or ajax call : I want read the file as a raw string but the readAsText method give me a no raw string.
I tryied thing like :

String notRaw = '\"Hello\"';
String raw = @raw;

But not compiling. How can I do this?

EDIT : My need is to read the string char by char. So I don't want to read \" as one char " but as two chars \ and "


If you want to read a file without interpreting escape characters, then you need to readAsBytes, which will give you a list of characters as integers. You can then detect a backslash and quote as:

final int backSlash = @'\'.charCodeAt(0); 
final int quote = @'"'.charCodeAt(0);

You then pass the desired substrings to a string constructor:

String goodString = new String.fromCharCodes(byteList.getRange(start, end));


A raw string literal is still a string. The only difference is that it everything within a raw literal is accepted as-is, i.e. no escape sequences.

For example, in a plain (non-raw) string literal 'a\nb' represents letter 'a', newline, letter 'b'; in a raw string literal it represents letter 'a', backslash, letter 'n', letter 'b'.

标签: dart