
CSS to keep middle image in 100% width slideshow a

2019-08-20 05:24发布


Im trying to achive a slideshow that looks like this


where the width is 100%, and keeps scrolling infinitely left or right, but always having an image in the center no matter the browser resolution. This is what ive got so far


the slideshow images have a width of 800px, the left most image has a margin-left of -25%... which sorta looks like it works in a 1280px screen size.... but doesnt look like its suppose to when i resize the window.

Heres the slideshow code im using

$(document).ready(function() {
    //move he last list item before the first item. The purpose of this is if the user clicks to slide left he will be able to see the last item.
    $('#carousel_ul li:first').before($('#carousel_ul li:last')); 

    //when user clicks the image for sliding right        
    $('#right_scroll img').click(function(){

        //get the width of the items ( i like making the jquery part dynamic, so if you change the width in the css you won't have o change it here too ) '
        var item_width = $('#carousel_ul li').outerWidth() + 10;

        //calculae the new left indent of the unordered list
        var left_indent = parseInt($('#carousel_ul').css('left')) - item_width;

        //make the sliding effect using jquery's anumate function '
        $('#carousel_ul:not(:animated)').animate({'left' : left_indent},500,function(){    

            //get the first list item and put it after the last list item (that's how the infinite effects is made) '
            $('#carousel_ul li:last').after($('#carousel_ul li:first')); 

            //and get the left indent to the default -210px
            $('#carousel_ul').css({'left' : '-210px'});

    //when user clicks the image for sliding left
    $('#left_scroll img').click(function(){

        var item_width = $('#carousel_ul li').outerWidth() + 10;

        /* same as for sliding right except that it's current left indent + the item width (for the sliding right it's - item_width) */
        var left_indent = parseInt($('#carousel_ul').css('left')) + item_width;

        $('#carousel_ul:not(:animated)').animate({'left' : left_indent},500,function(){    

        /* when sliding to left we are moving the last item before the first list item */            
        $('#carousel_ul li:first').before($('#carousel_ul li:last')); 

        /* and again, when we make that change we are setting the left indent of our unordered list to the default -210px */
        $('#carousel_ul').css({'left' : '-210px'});


Any ideas? thanks


You can put this CSS on #carousel_ul

left: 50%;
margin-left: -1200px;

Just make sure it goes left to right. The only problem is if someone has a monitor wider than maybe 2000px, they will get a bit on the left with no image, when the slideshow first starts - but I think that is very few people.

标签: css slideshow