Opening “data:xxx” URLs in Safari

2019-08-20 04:35发布


I'm failing to open data URL:s in iOS/Safari.

NSString* stringUrl = @"data:text/html;base64,PGh0bWw+DQo8Ym9keT4NCjxzY3JpcHQgbGFuZ3VhZ2U9IkphdmFTY3JpcHQiPg0KZG9jdW1lbnQubG9jYXRpb249J2h0dHA6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbSc7DQo8L3NjcmlwdD4NCjwvYm9keT4NCjwvaHRtbD4=";
NSURL* url = [NSURL URLWithString:stringUrl];
NSLog(@"Got url: %@", url);
const BOOL STATUS = [UIApplication.sharedApplication openURL:url];

This is supposed to open Safari on an iOS device. The resulting page would be:

<script language="JavaScript">

However openURL fails, STATUS returns NO/0. How do we fix this?


You can use special method of UIApplication to determine if it can open your URL or not

BOOL STATUS = [UIApplication.sharedApplication canOpenURL:url];

However, there is no mention in documentation if UIApplication is capable to open URL with "data" scheme:

"UIKit supports many schemes, including http, https, tel, facetime, and mailto schemes." - from documentation for UIApplication.

You can attempt to open this URL in internal UIWebView browser and see how it goes with this method of UIWebView:

- (void)loadData:(NSData *)data MIMEType:(NSString *)MIMEType textEncodingName:(NSString *)encodingName baseURL:(NSURL *)baseURL;