I am using Swift to write an iPhone App which tracks an aircraft taking off and landing (as indicated by a change in air pressure).
For this I need to measure the iPhone's air pressure whilst it is running in the background. I need to measure the pressure at intervals of at least once every minute for a period of an hour or 2. I have read the Apple Developer Background Execution guide, but I don't think any of the background modes are relevant; for example, a finite-length task does not last long enough and a fetch task seems to be too infrequent.
My current code to obtain air pressure is as follows:
let opQueue = OperationQueue.current!
opQueue.qualityOfService = .background
altimeter.startRelativeAltitudeUpdates(to: opQueue) { (data, error) in
print ("Pressure returned")
//If pressure returned from iPhone correctly:
if let data = data {
self.localPressure = convertPressure(data.pressure.doubleValue, fromUnit: .kPa, toUnit: .hPa) //In hPa
I have changed the QoS
of this operationQueue
to .background
, but as I understand it, this just makes this a lower priority to get updated & has nothing to do with running as a background execution (correct?).
Is there anything else I can try to periodically obtain the air pressure under a background execution? I can't imagine that obtaining the air pressure every minute or so would use a huge amount of power, so I would hope that it would be possible.
Any help available would be much appreciated!