val date2 = Option(LocalDate.parse("2017-02-01"))
case class dummy(val prop:Seq[Test])
case class Test(val s :String)
case class Result(val s :String)
val s = "11,22,33"
val t = Test(s)
val dt =Test("2017-02-06")
val list = dummy(Seq(t))
val list2 = dummy(Seq(dt))
val code = Option("22")
val f = date2.flatMap(c => list2
.map(_ => Result("Found"))
.getOrElse(Result("Not Found"))
code.flatMap(c => list
.map(_ => Result("Found"))
.getOrElse(Result("Not Found"))
I want to &&
the conditions below and return Result("Found")/Result("Not Found")
Is there any possible way to achieve the above .In actual scenerio list and list 2 are Future
I tried to make a more realistic example based on Futures. Here is how I would do it:
val date2 = Option(LocalDate.parse("2017-02-01"))
case class Test(s: String)
case class Result(s: String)
val t = Test("11,22,33")
val dt = Test("2017-02-06")
val code = Option("22")
val f1 = Future(Seq(t))
val f2 = Future(Seq(dt))
// Wait for both futures to finish
val futureResult = Future.sequence(Seq(f1, f2)).map {
case Seq(s1, s2) =>
// Check the first part, this will be a Boolean
val firstPart = code.nonEmpty && s1.exists(_.s.split(",").contains(code.get))
// Check the second part, also a boolean
val secondPart = date2.nonEmpty && s2.exists(d => LocalDate.parse(d.s).compareTo(date2.get) >= 0)
// Do the AND logic you wanted
if (firstPart && secondPart) {
} else {
Result("Not Found")
// This is just for testing to see we got the correct result
val result = Await.result(futureResult, Duration.Inf)
As an aside, your code
and date2
values in your example are Options... If this is true in your production code, then we should do a check first to see if they are both defined. If they are not then there would be no need to continue with the rest of the code:
val futureResult = if (date2.isEmpty || code.isEmpty) {
Future.successful(Result("Not Found"))
} else {
Future.sequence(Seq(f1, f2)).map {
case Seq(s1, s2) =>
val firstPart = s1.exists(_.s.split(",").contains(code.get))
val secondPart = s2.exists(d => LocalDate.parse(d.s).compareTo(date2.get) >= 0)
if (firstPart && secondPart) {
} else {
Result("Not Found")
Use pattern matching on Option instead of using flatMap
val x = Some("20")
x match {
case Some(i) => println(i) //do whatever you want to do with the value. And then return result
case None => Result("Not Found")
Looking at what you are trying to do, You would have to use pattern matching twice, that too nested one.