I have a model Token with three fields user_id,product_id and unique_token.In the controller i instantiate a @token object with user_id and product_id values collected from the form.Then i call save_with_payment function with that object,where within the function i want to generate random string 3 times and save in unique_token field.The problem is self.tokens.create!( unique_token: Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("random string") )
give me no method error undefined method tokens
.What am i doing wrong here?To clarify what i want to accomplish,I want to be able to retrieve list of generated unique_tokens associated to that user_id or product_id like User.find(1).tokens
or Product.find(1).tokens
.The model association is User has_many Tokens
Product has_many Tokens
.Note: unique_token field is from Token model originally,user_id and product_id are just ref primary keys.Much Thanks!
def create
if @token.save_with_payment
redirect_to :controller => "products", :action => "index"
redirect_to :action => "new"
class Token < ActiveRecord::Base
require 'digest/sha1'
def save_with_payment
# if valid?
# customer = Stripe::Charge.create(amount:buck,:currency => "usd",card:stripe_card_token,:description => "Charge for bucks")
#self.stripe_customer_token = customer.id
3.times do
self.tokens.create!(unique_token: Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("random string"))