Exploding StructType as MapType Spark [duplicate]

2019-08-20 04:10发布


This question already has an answer here:

  • Transpose column to row with Spark 6 answers
  • How to melt Spark DataFrame? 4 answers
  • Unpivot in spark-sql/pyspark 1 answer
  • Error while exploding a struct column in Spark 3 answers

Converting structType to MapType in Spark.


event: struct (nullable = true)
|    | event_category: string (nullable = true)
|    | event_name: string (nullable = true)
|    | properties: struct (nullable = true)
|    |    | prop1: string (nullable = true)
|    |    | prop2: string (nullable = true)

Sample data:

{ "event": {
     "event_category: "abc",
      "event_name": "click",
      "properties" : {
          "prop1": "prop1Value",
          "prop2": "prop2Value",

Need values as:

event_category | event_name | properties_key | properties_value | 
abc            | click      | prop1          | prop1Value
abc            | click      | prop2          | prop2Value


You will have to find some mechanism to create map of properties struct. I have used udf function to zip the key and values and return arrays of key and value.

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def collectUdf = udf((cols: collection.mutable.WrappedArray[String], values: collection.mutable.WrappedArray[String]) => cols.zip(values))

Multiple generators are not supported in spark so you will have to save the dataframe to temporary dataframe.

val columnsMap = df_json.select($"event.properties.*").columns
val temp = df_json.withColumn("event_properties", explode(collectUdf(lit(columnsMap), array($"event.properties.*"))))

The last step would be to just separate the event_properties column

temp.select($"event.event_category", $"event.event_name", $"event_properties._1".as("properties_key"), $"event_properties._2".as("properties_value")).show(false)

You should have what you desire

|abc           |click     |prop1         |prop1Value      |
|abc           |click     |prop2         |prop2Value      |