
How to interpret datetime as User's local time

2019-08-20 03:54发布


We have a button "Start" that populates the dateStarted field to DateTime.Now..

When retrieving datetime, it always shows the server's date/time instead of user's local timezone version. How do i make it work like lastModifiedDateTime/CreatedDateTime that whenever we view it it's formatted as user's local timezone. I tried UseTimeZone = true/false but nothing is working

Here is my code that is not working

#region DateStarted
    public abstract class dateStarted : PX.Data.IBqlField
    protected DateTime? _DateStarted;
    [PXDBDateAndTime(DisplayNameDate = "Date Started", DisplayNameTime = "Time", UseTimeZone = true)]

    public virtual DateTime? DateStarted
            return this._DateStarted;
            this._DateStarted = value;


It sounds like just using PX.Common.PXTimeZoneInfo.Now is enough to do the job.

PX.Common.PXTimeZoneInfo also has UtcNow, UtcToday, and Today if needed


Look up the code of class PXDBDateAndTime in Source Code screen SM204570. For debugging purpose you can copy the whole attribute and rename it to something else like PXDBDateAndTimeDebug:

[PXDBDateAndTimeDebug(DisplayNameDate = "Date Started", DisplayNameTime = "Time", UseTimeZone = true)]

With that approach you can debug SetUseTimeZone and GetTimeZone methods. The time zone used is coming from LocaleInfo.GetTimeZone method and you should debug that too:

public static PXTimeZoneInfo GetTimeZone()
    if (!PXContext.PXIdentity.IsAnonymous() && PXContext.PXIdentity.TimeZone != null)
        return PXContext.PXIdentity.TimeZone;

    return PXTimeZoneInfo.Invariant;

The issue here is that from your question we can't tell if there's actually a problem with Acumatica time zone handling or if the user profile time zone is properly configured in your instance or if the result you're expecting is actually a valid ISO conversion as done by the DotNet framework. Debugging step by step should reveal what's going on.


After analyzing how CreatedDateTime and LastModifiedDatetime and other dates behave the same, the problem is in the input. So i created the following code to save the correct datetime with regards to the current user's timezone.

 public static class DateTimeHelper
    public static DateTime? Now()
        var test = LocaleInfo.GetTimeZone();
        PXTimeZoneInfo timezone = LocaleInfo.GetTimeZone();
        DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow;
        dt = PXTimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(dt, timezone);
        return dt;

and the implementation:

  public PXAction<CQLMChecklists> startButton;
    [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Start", Visible = true)]
    public virtual void StartButton()
        if (Document.Current != null)
            CQLMChecklists doc = Document.Current;


            CommenceChecklist(DateTimeHelper.Now(), DateTimeHelper.Now().Value, ref doc);

标签: acumatica