I am trying to return a list of triples by using a construct query in the Wikidata SPARQL query service. I want all triples of people who have a GTAA_ID identifier. In addition to this, of all people who have a GTAA_ID, I want all triples containing the person with a GTAA_ID as the subject + all combinations of predicates and objects.
Take the following example: Tom Hanks has a GTAA_ID (identifier). Tom Hanks also has a lot of other statements and identifiers in Wikidata. I want to retrieve everything that has to do with Tom Hanks (as he has a GTAA_ID).
So for example:
Tom Hanks | GTAA_ID | 106942
Tom Hanks | residence | Los Angeles
Tom Hanks | residence | Oakland
Tom Hanks | occupation | film actor
Tom Hanks | occupation | film director
and so on..
The example query Wikidata give (for all triples to do with Asthma) is:
#CONSTRUCT query to get the RDF graph for a Wikidata item (e.g. asthma)
wd:Q35869 ?p ?o .
?o ?qualifier ?f .
?o prov:wasDerivedFrom ?u .
?u ?a ?b .
wd:Q35869 ?p ?o .
OPTIONAL {?o ?qualifier ?f .}
OPTIONAL {?o prov:wasDerivedFrom ?u .
?u ?a ?b .}
This returns a list of triples that has to do with the item 'Asthma'. However, what I want to do is return a list of triples where the item is a person with a GTAA_ID.
This is the code which returns all subjects with the corresponding GTAA_ID:
?s ps:1741 ?o .
?s ps:P1741 ?o.
and the link to the Wikidata SPARQL Query Service
Many thanks in advance!