This is more of a 2nd part of a question that start off here here
The code below works great but I forgot something, there is also a City and State before the Date/Time, Example is:
strcountstf = "Chicago, IL,02/01/2012 3:05am###,Akron,OH,02/02/2012 7:05am###,Nashivlle,TN,02/05/2012 8:30pm###"
strDateNTimes = "Buffalo,NY,03/01/2011 2:20am###,Las Vegas,NV,12/02/2012 8:00am###,Mount Vernon,IN,02/06/2012 6:45pm###"
Below is the working code but I forgot to add the City and State into strcountstf and strDateNTimes string. Now when the City,State is added it does not work.
I would like to sort it by Date/Time but show the City,State as the Output/Result... please help AGAIN!! (I know, I know).
dim strcountstf
dim strDateNTimes
dim strCOMBO
dim arrCOMBO
dim strCOMBOSorted
dim objSortedList
dim i
strcountstf = "02/01/2012 3:05am###,02/02/2012 7:05am###,02/05/2012 8:30pm###"
strDateNTimes = "03/01/2011 2:20am###,02/02/2012 8:00am###,02/06/2012 6:45pm###"
strCOMBO = strcountstf & "," & strDateNTimes
arrCombo = Split(strCOMBO, ",")
Set objSortedList = Server.CreateObject("System.Collections.SortedList")
For i = LBound(arrCombo) To UBound(arrCombo)
Call objSortedList.Add(CDate(Replace(arrCombo(i), "###", "")), arrCombo(i))
strCOMBOSorted = ""
For i = 0 To objSortedList.Count - 1
strCOMBOSorted = strCOMBOSorted & ", " & objSortedList.GetByIndex(i)
strCOMBOSorted = Right(strCOMBOSorted, Len(strCOMBOSorted) - 2)
Set objSortedList = Nothing
Make a Class with properties City, State and Time and a method to give a well shaped string back and fill them accordingly.
Class OmNomNom
Public City, State
Private time_, timeStr_
Public Property Let [Time](t)
timeStr_ = t
time_ = cDate(replace(t, "###", ""))
End Property
Public Property Get [Time] ' as Date
[Time] = time_
End Property
Public Function Regurgigate ' as String
Regurgigate = join(array(City, State, timeStr_), ",")
End Function
End Class
Set objSortedList = Server.CreateObject("System.Collections.SortedList")
For each chocolateCookie in array(strcountstf, trDateNTimes)
for i = 0 to ubound(chocolateCookie) step 3
Set myOmNomNom = new omNomNom
myOmNomNom.City = chocolateCookie(i)
myOmNomNom.State = chocolateCookie(i+1)
myOmNomNom.Time = chocolateCookie(i+2)
objSortedList.Add myOmNomNom.Time, myOmNomNom
Now you can get your proper strings by iterating through the sorted list (as you did before) and get the string from the Regurgigate
method: objSortedList.GetByIndex(i).Regurgigate()
Disclaimer: Sample code is not tested.
You'd need to use the function split() to make an array of each of the strings, then loop through the array and create an entirely new array. If the string is longer than 2 characters (ie, not a state) and doesn't contain ### (ie, not a date) then load the first array value as "city". Consequently if it matches only 2 characters, it's a State (load it into the 2nd array value) and last but not least, if it has ### in it, you'll load it in the 3rd array value.
Ending up with something like:
[0] => 'City' => 'Buffalo', 'State' => 'NY', 'Date' => '03/01/2011 2:20am###'
[1] => 'City' => 'Chicago', 'State' => 'IL', 'Date' => '03/01/2011 2:20am###'
Once you have that you can adjust the sortedlist code you already have to accommodate the new fields and sort them.