I am trying to unhide n number of elements depending on the users input into a text field.
So the user enters a number between 1 - 5 in the text field then clicks submit which calls createSplit
. As you can see, it unhides a view and then I want it to loop x (x being the number the user inputs) amount of times to unhide day(i)View
@IBAction func createSplit(_ sender: Any)
noOfExerciseView.isHidden = false
let noOfDays: Int = Int(numberOfDays.text!)!
for i in 1...noOfDays
day\(i)View.isHidden = false
I have a working solution but it's not the most efficient so I hope someone can help doing this an efficient way.
@IBAction func createSplit(_ sender: Any)
noOfExerciseView.isHidden = false
let noOfDays: Int = Int(numberOfDays.text!)!
for i in 1...noOfDays
if (i==1)
day1View.isHidden = false
} else if (i==2)
day2View.isHidden = false
} else if (i==3)
day3View.isHidden = false
} else if (i==4)
day4View.isHidden = false
} else if (i==5)
day5View.isHidden = false