I have just started trying C++ AMP and I decided to give it a shot with the current project I am working on. At some point, I have to build a distance matrix for the vectors I have and I have written the code below for this
unsigned int samplesize=samplelist.size();
unsigned int vs = samplelist.front().size();
vector<double> samplevec(samplesize*vs);
vector<double> distancevec(samplesize*samplesize,0);
for(int i=0 ; i<samplesize; ++i){
for(int j = 0 ; j<vs ; ++j){
samplevec[j + i*vs] = (*it1)[j];
array_view<const double,2> samplearray(samplesize,vs,samplevec);
array_view<writeonly<double>,2> distances(samplesize,samplesize,distancevec);
parallel_for_each(distances.grid, [=](index<2> idx) restrict(direct3d){
double sqrsum=0;
double tempd=0;
for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<vs ; ++i)
tempd = samplearray(idx.x,i) - samplearray(idx.y,i);
sqrsum += tempd*tempd;
However, as you can see, this does not take into account the symmetry property of distance matrices. When I calculate sqrsum of matrices i and j, I don't want to do the same calculation again when the order of the i and j are reversed. Is there any way to accomplish this? I came up with the following trick, but I don't know if this would bump up the performance significantly
for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<vs ; ++i)
tempd = samplearray(idx.x,i) - samplearray(idx.y,i);
sqrsum += tempd*tempd;
Can the if-condition do the job? Or do you think the if statement would hurt the performance unnecessarily? I couldn't came up with any alternative to it
BTW, I just noticed that the above written code does not work on my machine, whose gpu only supports single precision. Is there anything to do to get around that problem? Error message is as follows: "runtime_exception: Concurrency;;parallel_for_each uses features unsupported by the selected accelerator. ID3D11Device::CreateComputeShader: Shader uses double precision float ops which are not supported on the current device."