How to set the graph to try to fill the area allocated to it? With an increase in the number of nodes, it simply decreases in size, but also remains in one line, although the vertical size (40) allows placement down. If you remove the rankdir, then it places vertically, but also in one line.
digraph "test_graph"{
rankdir = LR;
bgcolor = whitesmoke;
graph [size = "15, 40"];
node [shape = circle,
style = filled,
margin = 0,
fontsize = 14,
color = sandybrown];
edge [fontsize = 10,
arrowhead = vee];
1->2 [label = "R"];
2->3 [label = "R"];
3->4 [label = "R"];
3->5 [label = "B"];
4->1 [label = "R"];
5->6 [label = "U"];
6->7 [label = "U"];
7->8 [label = "U"];
7->9 [label = "F"];
8->5 [label = "U"];
9->10 [label = "F"];
10->11 [label = "D"];
11->12 [label = "D"];
12->13 [label = "D"];
13->10 [label = "D"];
13->14 [label = "L"];
14->15 [label = "L"];
15->16 [label = "D"];
16->17 [label = "D"];
17->18 [label = "D"];
17->19 [label = "L"];
18->15 [label = "D"];
19->20 [label = "F"];
20->21 [label = "F"];
21->22 [label = "F"];
21->23 [label = "L"];
22->19 [label = "F"];
23->24 [label = "L"];
24->25 [label = "F"];