I am relatively new to the true power in Excel - Macros/VBA and have been tasked to set up the financial model for a million dollar project. I am able to set everything up and have it run smoothly, but there's too much manual input involved. I would like to seek simplification through the power of VBA.
This is my dilemma:
I need to be able to individually double-click on a specific set of cells (in a Row), which will open up a file window that allows me to select a EXL file.
Once I select the file, that file should be preferably opened in a temp status (not visible, but I can run functions and pull info from it).
I will then need the macro to go into that opened sheet, conduct a simple SUMIFS function, and record the outcome in a column of the current sheet I'm working from.
I've been doing some Excel tutorial on Lynda in hope to seek the answers there, but I think the complexity of this request demands the knowledge of a true master.
Any help will be greatly appreciated! I would imagine this could be a nice little challenge for those who seek it :)
Sincere thanks,