I am having trouble while posting data using Ajax. I am using checkboxes and send the checked box value to PHP page. While I first click then the query I Got is like:
SELECT * FROM `product` INNER JOIN `p_attributes` ON `product`.`product_id`=`p_attributes`.`product_id` WHERE `p_attributes`.`color_g` = 1
But when I second time click on other check box without unchecked the first one the I got this Query:
SELECT * FROM `product` INNER JOIN `p_attributes` ON `product`.`product_id`=`p_attributes`.`product_id` WHERE `p_attributes`.`color_g` = 1 AND `p_attributes`.`color_g` = 1 AND `p_attributes`.`color_r` = 1"
The p_attributes.color_g = 1
repeats twice which effect the whole query data. I just found that we have to stop / abort the ajax request to avoid such confliction and I have already tried many solved answers found here but nothing is working. Please someone provide me the solution to get rid of such issue.
My Ajax Code
var selected = new Array();
var size = new Array();
var url="<?php echo base_url('Cart/filt_color');?>";
$("input:checkbox[name=color]").click(function (){
var currentRequest = null;
// alert(url);
$("input:checkbox[name=color]:checked").each(function() {
// Sizes
$("input:checkbox[name=size]:checked").each(function() {
beforeSend : function() {
if(currentRequest !== null) {
success:function(data) {
// console.log(data);
My Controller Code
function filt_color()
if($colors !=='' || $sizes !=='')
$dataa= $this->crt->cfilter($colors,$sizes);
foreach($dataa as $product){
$output.='<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-6 product product-grid">
<div class="product-item">
<div class="product-img">';
$output.='<a href="'.base_url().'">.';
$output.='<img src="'.base_url().'products/'.$product->product_image.'" alt="">';
<div class="product-label">
<span class="sale">sale</span>
<div class="product-actions">
<a href="http://deothemes.com/envato/gaze/html/shop-catalog.html#" class="product-add-to-compare" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="" data-original-title="Add to compare">
<i class="fa fa-exchange"></i>
<a href="http://deothemes.com/envato/gaze/html/shop-catalog.html#" class="product-add-to-wishlist" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="" data-original-title="Add to wishlist">
<i class="fa fa-heart"></i>
$output.='<a href="'.base_url().'product/'.$product->product_id.'" class="product-quickview">Quick View</a>
<div class="product-details">
$output.='<a class="product-title" href="'.base_url().'product/'.$product->product_id.'">'.$product->product_name.'</a>
<span class="price">
.'<span>'. $product->product_price.'</span>'
<span class="ammount">'.$product->product_price.'</span>
</div> <!-- end product -->';
echo $output;
echo "noting is available";
My Model Code
function cfilter($colors,$sizes)
// Colors Foreach
foreach($colors as $item)
if(strpos($item, "bl" ) !== false )
if(strpos($item, "bk" ) !== false )
if(strpos($item, "r" ) !== false )
if(strpos($item, "g" ) !== false )
if(strpos($item, "w" ) !== false )
// Size Foreach
foreach($sizes as $size)
if(strpos($size, "sm" ) !== false )
if(strpos($size, "me" ) !== false )
if(strpos($size, "l" ) !== false )
if(strpos($size, "xl" ) !== false )
if(strpos($size, "xxl" ) !== false )
// DB Query
$this->db->join('p_attributes', 'product.product_id=p_attributes.product_id','inner');
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();