I've been trying to use Python 3.4 to call a simple gnuplot script and then display the result (a .ps file) using evince. My code looks like this:
plotfile = "plot.p"
with open(plotfile, "w") as plt:
lines = ['set term postscript',
'set output "speed.ps"',
'set xlabel "Time"',
'set ylabel "Speed"',
"plot '{}' u 2:4 title 'speed' with lines".format(infile)
lines = map(lambda x: x + '\n', lines)
# Call gnuplot and evince
subprocess.call(['gnuplot', plotfile])
subprocess.call(['evince', 'speed.ps'])
However, evince
often doesn't display the file. I can create the file correctly using
process = subprocess.Popen(['gnuplot', plotfile])
but if I try to immediately open the file, by calling
process = subprocess.Popen(['gnuplot', plotfile])
subprocess.Popen(['evince', plot.ps])
the file often doesn't display correctly, I'm assuming because the first command doesn't finish in time. To fix this issue, I've tried
process = subprocess.call(['gnuplot', plotfile])
process = subprocess.Popen(['gnuplot', plotfile])
but it both cases no .ps file is even created. The only thing that works (and not always) is
process = subprocess.Popen(['gnuplot', plotfile])
subprocess.Popen(['evince', plot.ps])
but that is really ugly.
So my questions are:
1) Why might waiting for the process to finish (using either subprocess.call()
or wait()
) prevent the .ps file from even being created?
2) Is there some solution that doesn't involve using "sleep"?
- CentOS 6.6
- Python 3.4
- Gnuplot 4.6
- Evince 2.28.2