Here are my database relations:
shows(showID, title, premiere_year, network, creator, category)
episode(showID, episodeID, airdate, title)
- showID is a foreign key to shows
actor(actID, fname, lname)
main_cast(showID, actID, role)
- showID is a foreign key to shows actID is a foreign key to actor
recurring_cast(showID, episodeID, actID, role)
- showID is a foreign key to shows episodeID is a foreign key to episode actID is a foreign key to actor
customer(custID, fname, lname, email, creditcard,membersince,renewaldate, password, username)
cust_queue(custID, showID, datequeued)
- custID is a foreign key to customer showID is a foreign key to shows
watched(custID, showID, episodeID, datewatched)
- custID is a foreign key to customer
- showID is a foreign key to shows
- (showID, episodeID) is a foreign key to episode
- (custID, showID) is a foreign key to cust_queue
All the 'IDs' are primary keys
I have queries I was given and for some, I don't know how to go about it. Such as:
Find all actors who are in the main cast of at least one show and in the recurring cast of at least one show. Display the actor's first name, last name, the title of the show in which the actor is in the main cast, the title of the show in which the actors is in the recurring cast, and the role the actor plays in each show.
I'm trying:
SELECT Actor.fname, Actor.lname, Shows.Title
FROM Actor, Shows, Main_Cast, Recurring_Cast
WHERE Actor.actID = Main_Cast.actID AND Actor.actID = Recurring_Cast.actID;
But I don't think that's right. Any ideas??