I have written a browser helper object to get the text between the tags and use it for data mining purpose. I tried using it on igoogle
(basically to test its capability on gadgets) and it failed in some of the cases where an <iframe>
is present with some external source.
I can get the <div>
and its child <iframe>
but fail to get the body.
I get the frame collection from this API HRESULT IHTMLDocument2::get_frames(IHTMLFramesCollection2 **p);
The problem can be re-created in igoogle and firefox using the loan calculator
gadget. You will also need the fire bug extension to debug the page. For reference purpose I am pasting the sample here...
<div class="modboxin" id="m_8_b"><div style="border: 0pt none; padding: 0pt; margin: 0pt; width: 100%;" id="remote_8">
<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" onload="_ifr_ol(this)" style="border: 0pt none; padding: 0pt; margin: 0pt; width: 100%; height: 100px; overflow: hidden;" name="remote_iframe_8" id="remote_iframe_8" src="http://8.ig.gmodules.com/gadgets/ifr?exp_rpc_js=1&exp_track_js=1&v=682f3db70d7cfff515d7c64fd24923&container=ig&view=default&debug=0&mid=8&lang=en&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nova.edu%2F%7Ewillheat%2Floan.xml&country=US&parent=http://www.google.com&libs=core:core.io:core.iglegacy:auth-refresh&synd=ig&view=default#st=...B27zWVKsnJu6OviCNnzXoPjkDsbPg95yZNMwfmMaLnwWoRxGaRArxTpOqK4TiH87uGUiHnYkkaqU9NE1sOyms6sg/Jwi&gadgetId=116809661812082345195&gadgetOwner=105250506097979753968&gadgetViewer=105250506097979753968&rpctoken=422312139&ifpctok=422312139">
The link is not complete as I have replaced some part of the src
with ...
. Now as you can see that there is no body for the although it is getting rendered in the browser..
As per this post ( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/957133/does-body-onload-wait-for-iframes
) the onload event on body does not wait for frames to complete.
So I can conclude that I have to use some sort onload
listener for the <iframe>
... but I am not sure how ...
Kindly suggest a way/snippet to retrieve the body of the <iframe>
using ATL/COM APIs...
** Update **
I am using the following code to get the <iframes>
. Although i get the iframe collection but when i try to get their body it fails... may be because they are not loaded by that time ?!
void testFrame(IHTMLDocument2* pDocument)
CComQIPtr<IHTMLFramesCollection2> col;
HRESULT hr = pDocument->get_frames(&col);
if((hr == S_OK) && (col != NULL))
long counter = 0;
hr = col->get_length(&counter);
if((hr == S_OK) && (counter > 0))
for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++)
VARIANT v1, v2;
v1.vt = VT_I4; v1.lVal = i;
VariantClear (&v2);
hr = col->item(&v1, &v2);
if (hr == S_OK && (v2.vt == VT_DISPATCH))
CComPtr<IDispatch> pDispatch = v2.pdispVal;
CComQIPtr<IHTMLWindow2, &IID_IHTMLWindow2> pFrame = pDispatch;
CComPtr<IHTMLDocument2> spHTML;
hr = pFrame->get_document (&spHTML);
if((hr == S_OK) && (spHTML != NULL))
CComQIPtr<IHTMLElement> elem;
hr = spHTML->get_body(&elem);
if((hr == S_OK) && (elem != NULL))
CComBSTR str;
hr = elem->get_innerHTML(&str);
if((hr == S_OK) && (str != NULL))
}else if(hr != S_OK) {
box(_T("hr is not ok"));
}else if(str == NULL){
box(_T("STR is null"));
void box(LPCWSTR msg)
Any suggestions, how to get the iframe body .... by the way I am handling this in OnDocumentComplete