Understanding zombie trace in Instruments

2019-08-19 06:09发布


I am kind of new at ios development and my app crashes because of EXEC_BAD_ACCESS. To detect problem i enabled Zombies and trace Allocations by using Instruments in xCode 4.5 After it detects Zombie Messaged i am having trouble to find which part of code crashes.

Here is the instruments screen shot: Thanks for any help.


I also have the problem at the beginning of learning Instruments, then I figured out the I have to open the 'Extended detail' Pane to see it.(There might other easy way to enable this, but I did not find yet)


It could be interesting to see your code? you might be running some tasks which are causing memory leaks or bad access, e.g; calling some UI related task in background thread. recently in IOS6 had issue with showing alerts with calling [alert show];, if you have the similar scenario then you could replace this show method something like this.

[alert performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(show) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];

if this is not the issue then you might show your code and someone could help you better that way.