In my previous question SQL Server XML String Manipluation
I was given the answer below (Thanks Mikael Eriksson) to shred an XML document, and strip out unwanted words out characters. I now need to take it a step further, and strip out Unicode characters over 255. When I have those characters in my XML, they get stored in the @T table variable (in the code below) as question marks. How can I get those characters to come through as the actual Unicode characters, so I can strip them out?
I have a function that works nicely to remove the unwanted characters, but since the Unicode comes in as question marks, it doesn't touch them
-- A table to hold the bad words
declare @BadWords table
ID int identity,
Value nvarchar(10)
-- These are the bad ones.
insert into @BadWords values
-- XML that needs cleaning
declare @XML xml = '
<itemone ID="1one1">1one1</itemone>
<hold>We hold these truths to be self evident</hold>
-- A helper table to hold the values to modify
declare @T table
ID int identity,
Pos int,
OldValue nvarchar(max),
NewValue nvarchar(max),
Attribute bit
-- Get all attributes from the XML
insert into @T(Pos, OldValue, NewValue, Attribute)
select row_number() over(order by T.N),
T.N.value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'),
T.N.value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'),
from @XML.nodes('//@*') as T(N)
-- Get all values from the XML
insert into @T(Pos, OldValue, NewValue, Attribute)
select row_number() over(order by T.N),
T.N.value('text()[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'),
T.N.value('text()[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'),
from @XML.nodes('//*') as T(N)
declare @ID int
declare @Pos int
declare @Value nvarchar(max)
declare @Attribute bit
-- Remove the bad words from @T, one bad word at a time
select @ID = max(ID) from @BadWords
while @ID > 0
select @Value = Value
from @BadWords
where ID = @ID
update @T
set NewValue = replace(NewValue, @Value, '')
set @ID -= 1
-- Write the cleaned values back to the XML
select @ID = max(ID) from @T
while @ID > 0
select @Value = nullif(NewValue, OldValue),
@Attribute = Attribute,
@Pos = Pos
from @T
where ID = @ID
print @Attribute
if @Value is not null
if @Attribute = 1
set @XML.modify('replace value of ((//@*)[sql:variable("@Pos")])[1]
with sql:variable("@Value")')
set @XML.modify('replace value of ((//*)[sql:variable("@Pos")]/text())[1]
with sql:variable("@Value")')
set @ID -= 1
select @XML