I got an users table on my database with a "Online" field, it gets the value "1" when the user loggin, and changes to 0 when the user logout. The problem is that if the user close the tab and don't click on the "Logout" button he stays Online forever.
So I would like to hook some kind of function so when the session expires it changes the value of this "Online" field - on the database - to "0".
I'm open to suggestions of course, because I don't what is the right approach for this.
Change the online field into datetime field,
Update the field using a central controller you're extending from, or use a hook to trigger the update of the field each time there's a request (You may put the code in the session validation function that you use to make sure a user is logged-in before triggering actions).
Then you can use the timediff SQL function to see if the user is active or not.
You can do this by extending CI_Session
Create a php file inside application/core/MY_Session.php
class MY_Session extends CI_Session
public function __construct() {
function sess_destroy() {
//update the Online filed as required
$this->CI->db->update('YOUR_TABLE', array('YOUR_DATA'), array('YOUR_CONDITION'));
//call the parent
You have a specific problem. But I have one idea for this.
You can go on
and update the function function sess_destroy()
- line 398
In this function you can change the status on Database, and in this way you always will change the status when session destroy.
If you use unset_userdata()
, than you need to change the function function unset_userdata($newdata = array()
line 481 on the same file.