I am trying to put together a PowerShell
script to do multiple find and replace throughout a whole Word
Document, that is including Headers
, Footers
and any Shape
potentially displaying text.
There are plenty of VBA
examples around so it's not too difficult, but there is a know bug that is circumvented in VBA with a solution dubbed as "Peter Hewett 's VBA trickery". See this example and also this one.
I have tried to address this bug in a similar fashion in PowerShell
but it is not working as expected. Some TextBoxes
in Header
or Footer
are still being ignored.
I noticed however, that runnning my script twice will actually end up working.
Any idea as to a solution to this problem would be greatly appreciated.
$folderPath = "C:\Users\user\folder\*" # multi-folders: "C:\fso1*", "C:\fso2*"
$fileType = "*.doc" # *.doc will take all .doc* files
$textToReplace = @{
# "TextToFind" = "TextToReplaceWith"
"This1" = "That1"
"This2" = "That2"
"This3" = "That3"
$word = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
$word.Visible = $false
$storyTypes = [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdStoryType]
#Val, Name
# 1, wdMainTextStory
# 2, wdFootnotesStory
# 3, wdEndnotesStory
# 4, wdCommentsStory
# 5, wdTextFrameStory
# 6, wdEvenPagesHeaderStory
# 7, wdPrimaryHeaderStory
# 8, wdEvenPagesFooterStory
# 9, wdPrimaryFooterStory
# 10, wdFirstPageHeaderStory
# 11, wdFirstPageFooterStory
# 12, wdFootnoteSeparatorStory
# 13, wdFootnoteContinuationSeparatorStory
# 14, wdFootnoteContinuationNoticeStory
# 15, wdEndnoteSeparatorStory
# 16, wdEndnoteContinuationSeparatorStory
# 17, wdEndnoteContinuationNoticeStory
Function findAndReplace($objFind, $FindText, $ReplaceWith) {
#simple Find and Replace to execute on a Find object
$matchCase = $true
$matchWholeWord = $true
$matchWildcards = $false
$matchSoundsLike = $false
$matchAllWordForms = $false
$forward = $true
$findWrap = [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdReplace]::wdReplaceAll
$format = $false
$replace = [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdFindWrap]::wdFindContinue
$objFind.Execute($FindText, $matchCase, $matchWholeWord, $matchWildCards, $matchSoundsLike, $matchAllWordForms, \`
$forward, $findWrap, $format, $ReplaceWith, $replace) > $null
Function findAndReplaceAll($objFind, $FindText, $ReplaceWith) {
findAndReplace $objFind $FindText $ReplaceWith
While ($objFind.Found) {
findAndReplace $objFind $FindText $ReplaceWith
Function findAndReplaceMultiple($objFind, $lookupTable) {
#apply multiple Find and Replace on the same Find object
$lookupTable.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
findAndReplaceAll $objFind $_.Key $_.Value
Function findAndReplaceMultipleWholeDoc($Document, $lookupTable) {
ForEach ($storyRge in $Document.StoryRanges) {
#Loop through each StoryRange
Do {
findAndReplaceMultiple $storyRge.Find $lookupTable
#check if the StoryRange has shapes (we check only StoryTypes 6 to 11, basically Headers and Footers)
# as the Shapes inside the wdMainTextStory will be checked
# see http://wordmvp.com/FAQs/Customization/ReplaceAnywhere.htm
# and http://gregmaxey.com/using_a_macro_to_replace_text_wherever_it_appears_in_a_document.html
If (($storyRge.StoryType -ge $storyTypes::wdEvenPagesHeaderStory) -and \`
($storyRge.StoryType -le $storyTypes::wdFirstPageFooterStory)) {
If ($storyRge.ShapeRange.Count) { #non-zero is True
ForEach ($shp in $storyRge.ShapeRange) {
If ($shp.TextFrame.HasText) { #non-zero is True, in case of text .HasText = -1
findAndReplaceMultiple $shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Find $lookupTable
#check for linked Ranges
$storyRge = $storyRge.NextStoryRange
} Until (!$storyRge) #non-null is True
Function processDoc {
$doc = $word.Documents.Open($_.FullName)
# The "VBA trickey" translated to PowerShell...
$junk = $doc.Sections.Item(1).Headers.Item(1).Range.StoryType
#... but not working
findAndReplaceMultipleWholeDoc $doc $textToReplace
$sw = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
$countf = 0
Get-ChildItem -Path $folderPath -Recurse -Filter $fileType | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Processing \`"$($_.Name)\`"..."
$elapsed = $sw.Elapsed.toString()
Write-Host "Done. $countf files processed in $elapsed"
$word = $null