I want to create an online map for a hiking trail, and I have been using my smartphone to collect coordinates from it.
I have many questions regarding what's good practice when it comes to making such tracks, but for starters: it would look much neater if I could edit the readings so that they are right on top any roads in Google Maps. How can I achieve this?
EDIT: I want to find the coordinates that will make a track along a road look exactly as if I'm using snapping/directions even when I'm not.
I've tried tools such as QLandkarte GT and Viking, and with the latter I was able to manually remove excess coordinates and move the remaining ones so that they're exactly on top of roads (inside Viking, using OpenStreetMap). However when I load the edited .kml-file in Google Maps, the roads seem to be in slightly different places and the result is hardly better than before editing.
I tried using the hack that exports GMaps directions as .gpx, thinking I could insert Google's own coordinates along the roads. But the exported file only had coordinates at the turning points with straight lines between these.
QLandkarte GT supposedly has a snap-to-road feature (see answer in link), but I haven't found it and I also don't know how to obtain a vector map of the area.
Then there's Google Earth which people seem to use for this, but again I can't find any track editing features (in the free version).
In short:
How do I edit my existing tracks so that they match roads in GMaps...
How can I obtain new tracks representing roads in GMaps...
...so that the resulting track is as smooth as Google's own directions or other professional GPS-data, when displayed in GMaps?