Hide some built-in build/release tasks in TFS

2019-08-19 02:33发布


TFS 2017 u2. The task gallery for build/release definitions is crowded by tasks that are utterly irrelevant to our software shop. They're built-in, so removing the extension is not an option.

Any way to hide them?


CAVEAT I discourage you: if you need to reinstall a Task, the process is non-trivial.

This has already been answered at Remove custom installed build task on tfs

The idea is to use tfx build tasks delete. You need the GUID of the task: a quick way to get it is to look at the task.json file in the https://github.com/Microsoft/vsts-tasks repository.


Unfortunately, there is no way to hide the tasks. You could search the tasks you want to use, and I've submitted a UserVoice at website below, you can vote it:
