I'm using Python library requests
for this, but I can't seem to be able to log in to this website.
The url is https://www.bet365affiliates.com/ui/pages/affiliates/, and I've been trying post requests to https://www.bet365affiliates.com/Members/CMSitePages/SiteLogin.aspx?lng=1 with the data of "ctl00$MasterHeaderPlaceHolder$ctl00$passwordTextbox", "ctl00$MasterHeaderPlaceHolder$ctl00$userNameTextbox", etc, but I never seem to be able to get logged in.
Could someone more experienced check the page's source code and tell me what am I am missing here?
The solution could be this: Please Take attention, you could do it without selenium. If you want to do without it, firstly you should get the main affiliate page, and from the response data you could fetch all the required information (which I gather by xpaths). I just didn't have enough time to write it in fully requests.
To gather the informations from response data you could use XML tree library. With the same XPATH method, you could easily find all the requested informations.
import requests
from selenium import webdriver
Password = 'YOURPASS'
browser = webdriver.Chrome(os.getcwd()+"/"+"Chromedriver.exe")
EVENTVALIDATION=browser.find_element_by_xpath('//* [@id="__EVENTVALIDATION"]')
cookies = browser.get_cookies()
session = requests.session()
for cookie in cookies:
print cookie['name']
print cookie['value']
session.cookies.set(cookie['name'], cookie['value'])
payload = {'ctl00_AjaxScriptManager_HiddenField':'',
Did you inspected the http request used by the browser to log you in?
You should replicate it.