How to pipe STDIN to a PHP-spawned proc?

2019-08-19 02:48发布


To my PHPeoples,

This is sort of a weird PHPuzzle, but I'm wondering if it's PHPossible.

The end goal is the equivalent functionality of

mysql mydb < file.sql

But with an API like this

./restore < file.sql

Where restore is a PHP script like this

#!/usr/bin/env php

$cmd = "msyql mydb";
passthru($cmd, $status);

However, I want to pass STDIN to the passthru command.

The clear benefit here is that I can put restore somewhere in a pipeline and everything works peachy. Here's an example

# would be pretty awesome!
ssh $remote "msyqldump $config mydb | gzip" | gzip -dc | ./restore

Anyway, I doubt it's possible using passthru, but perhaps with proc_open in some way?

As a last case resort, in the event of an unsolvable PHPredicament, I would do something like this

./restore file.sql

With script like this

#!/usr/bin/env php

$cmd = sprintf("mysql mydb < %s", $argv[1]);
passthru($cmd, $status);




#!/usr/bin/env php

// set descriptors
$desc = array(
  0 => array("file", "php://stdin", "r"),
  1 => array("pipe", "w"),
  2 => array("pipe", "w")

// open child proc
$proc = proc_open("mysql -uUSER -pPASS mydb", $desc, $pipes);

if (is_resource($proc)) {

  // display child proc stdout
  echo stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);

  // close file streams
  array_map('fclose', $pipes);

  // get return value
  $ret = proc_close($proc);

  // display return value
  printf("command returned %s\n", $ret);

Example use

cat file.sql.gz | gzip -dc | ./restore


What! PHProfound!

Turns out passthru already does this! PHenomenalP!

Check it out, PHPals:


#!/usr/bin/env php

passthru("gzip", $status);

if ($status !== 0) {
  error_log("gzip exited with status %d", $status);

How PHProgressivist!

echo "hello" | php gzip.php | gzip -dc



标签: php stdin proc