Creating a Slug
Title variable which holds name of the article "Article X".
$("div.article h2").each(function(){
var title = $(this).text();
Attempt to create slug with trim, lowercase, and replace methods
var slug = title.trim().toLowerCase().replace(" ", "_");
Attemp to Insert the Target Anchors
var target_anchor = "<a name='" + slug + "'/>";
This is where I got CONFUSED in the Instructions:
Then, on your own, use the append method to stick this inside the h2. Remember that self is a pure Javascript object and it doesn’t have an append method. Link to the Targets
We need to add links into the list_item. On your own, work with the var list_item= line to include a link tag where the href points to #article_x where article_x is the current slug.
How do I write this?
My attempt did not work:
var list_item = "<li>" + "<a href='#article_x'</a> " + slug + "</li>"