Help me with this "loadlibrary failed with error -1073741795"
I'm using Code::Blocks & SDL2.
I asked my friend to downgrade my laptop from win10 to win7. Now i can't run my C++ programs. Every time I run my program, this error: "loadlibrary failed with error -1073741795" always happens.
But I figured out where the problem is. It's in SDL_Renderer*. Whenever Im initializing my renderer pointer then I run the program, It always ends up in error.
Like this:
SDL_Window *window = NULL; //just for demo purpose, I'll include this declaration of window pointer.
SDL_Renderer *renderer = NULL;
window = SDL_CreateWindow(blah blah blah)
//and this is the initialization where the error happens
renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1,
But when I comment out the initialization of renderer pointer;
// renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1,
it runs just fine.
EDITED: I also figured out the same error. Its in video player like VLC. I can't play any video clips in VLC media player. But my clips run ok in Windows Media Player. The same error happens. I think the problem is in the driver I guess. But I don't know how to fix this.