I try to run an update test with rspec for my rails application.
I'm using rspec 3.5 and rails 4.
The behaviour is supposed to be the following :
When i create a new service with a selling price, it's create a Price instance and set the relation with the service. Then, when i update my service, if there is no selling price, it's destroy the price record (requirement of the client to save space in database). The process i implemented seems to be working fine, when i test with the UI and i check the count of Price record, it's decrease by one like it's suppose. However, the unit test if failing.
Here is the code :
Service Controller :
def update
puts "update method"
respond_to do |format|
if @service.valid?
if params['preview']
format.js { render 'services/preview' }
format.html { redirect_to client_trip_days_path(@client, @trip), notice: t('flash.services.update.notice') }
format.html { render :edit }
format.js { render :new }
The callback in the Service model :
def create_or_update_price
puts "in create or update price"
if selling_price.present? && price.present?
self.price.update_columns(:trip_id => trip.id, :currency => trip.client.currency, :purchase_price => purchase_price, :selling_price => selling_price)
elsif selling_price.present? && !price.present?
self.price = RegularPrice.create(:trip => trip, :currency => trip.client.currency, :purchase_price => purchase_price, :selling_price => selling_price)
elsif !selling_price.present? && price.present?
The test :
it "updates the lodging and destroy the price" do
puts "nombre de service avant création : "
puts Service.count
puts "nombre de prix avant création : "
puts Price.count
lodging = FactoryGirl.create(:lodging_service, selling_price: 200)
puts "nombre de service après création : "
puts Service.count
puts "nombre de prix après création : "
puts Price.count
expect(lodging.reload.price).to be_present
puts "nombre de prix avant update : "
puts Price.count
puts "id"
puts lodging.id
patch :update, client_id: client.id, trip_id: trip.id, id: lodging.to_param, service: valid_attributes_no_more_price
# patch :update, client_id: client.id, trip_id: trip.id, id: lodging.id, service: valid_attributes_with_price
puts "nombre de prix après update : "
puts Price.count
# expect{
# patch :update, client_id: client.id, trip_id: trip.id, id: lodging.id, service: valid_attributes_no_more_price
# }.to change(RegularPrice, :count).by(0)
expect(lodging.reload.price).to be_nil
let(:valid_attributes_no_more_price) {
attributes_for(:lodging_service, trip: trip, selling_price: "")
As you can see, there is a lot of puts since i try to find what is wrong.
The output is : nombre de service avant création : 0 nombre de prix avant création : 0 in create or update price nombre de service après création : 1 nombre de prix après création : 1 nombre de prix avant update : 1 id 10 nombre de prix après update : 1
Failure/Error: expect(lodging.reload.price).to be_nil
expected: nil
got: #<RegularPrice id: 2, label: nil, currency: "CHF", selling_price: 200.0, priceable_type: "Service", p...ated_at: "2017-07-13 08:08:47", quantity: 1, type: "RegularPrice", position: 1, purchase_price: nil>
As we can see, it's look like the callback is not fired after the update, and the action in the controller is not reached.
Have you any idea what is going wrong?
Thanks :)
PS: I always have trouble to include code in my questions, is there a tutorial on how to make it?