I'm trying to do this in coffeescript,
Specifically I'm trying to add handlers to my jQWordCloud to get the label for the word being clicked on
In my coffeescript version
while i < @counts.length
x = @counts[i]
text: x.label
weight: x.count
click: ->
temp = x
alert "it worked for " + temp.label
I get an unexpected TERMINATOR error presumably because of the (), but if you notice on the jsfiddle, removing that breaks the handler
The usual CoffeeScript approach to this problem is to use do
When using a JavaScript loop to generate functions, it's common to insert a closure wrapper in order to ensure that loop variables are closed over, and all the generated functions don't just share the final values. CoffeeScript provides the do
keyword, which immediately invokes a passed function, forwarding any arguments.
Then just use a plain for ... in
instead of the while
loop so that you don't have to muck around with the indexes; something more like this:
for o in stuff
do (o) ->
text: o.NAME
weight: o.COUNT
title: "#{o.COUNT} varieties"
click: -> console.log("it worked for", o)
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/3W9YC/
Or you could use a loop comprehension like this:
tag_list = for o in stuff
do (o) ->
text: o.NAME
weight: o.COUNT
title: "#{o.COUNT} varieties"
click: -> console.log("it worked for", o)
and avoid the push
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/3W9YC/1/
BTW, you can use CoffeeScript at jsfiddle.net by selecting it in the Languages panel in the sidebar.