I am trying to find gaps in timesheets between the hours of 8AM and 6PM. I am able to find the gaps for records that are logged, but I cannot figure out how to determine if a record was "missed" - meaning if they started at 8:30 AM, I cannot figure out how to identify the 30 minute gap between 8AM and 8:30 AM (ie. they started work late).
In below example, I can find the two gaps between 12 and 12:30 pm, but not the 8am-8:30am gap and 5:30 to 6pm gap on 5/8, and 8am-8:30am gap on 5/10.
Any ideas to point me in the right direction on how I could approach this?
drop table #time;
create table #time (
TimesheetId int not null
, StartTime datetime not null
, EndTIme datetime not null
insert into #time (TimesheetId, StartTime, EndTime)
values (210, '2017-05-08 05:30:00.000', '2017-05-08 06:30:00.000')
, (210, '2017-05-08 06:30:00.000', '2017-05-08 08:30:00.000')
, (210, '2017-05-08 08:30:00.000', '2017-05-08 12:00:00.000')
, (210, '2017-05-08 12:30:00.000', '2017-05-08 18:30:00.000')
, (210, '2017-05-09 08:30:00.000', '2017-05-09 12:00:00.000')
, (210, '2017-05-09 12:30:00.000', '2017-05-09 17:30:00.000')
, (210, '2017-05-09 22:30:00.000', '2017-05-10 05:30:00.000')
, (210, '2017-05-10 08:30:00.000', '2017-05-10 18:00:00.000')
; with t1 as (
SELECT TimesheetId
, StartTime
, lag(EndTime) OVER (PARTITION BY TimesheetId ORDER BY StartTime) AS prev_endtime
FROM #time
where datepart(HH, StartTime) <= 18
and datepart(HH, EndTime) >= 8
select prev_endtime as gapStart
, StartTime as gapEnd
from t1
where StartTime <> prev_endtime
and cast(prev_endtime as date) = cast(StartTime as date)