How can I identify buttons, created in a loop?

2019-01-15 17:38发布


I am trying to program a minesweeper game on python using tkinter. I started off by creating a grid of buttons using a two dimensional list of 10x10. Then I created each button using a loop just so I don't have to manually create every single button and clip them on.

self.b=[[0 for x in range(1,12)] for y in range(1,12)] #The 2 dimensional list
for self.i in range(1,11):
     for self.j in range(1,11):
            self.b[self.i][self.j]=tkinter.Button(root,text = ("     "),command = lambda: self.delete()) # creating the button
            self.b[self.i][self.j].place(x=xp,y=yp) # placing the button
            xp+=26 #because the width and height of the button is 26

Basically I want the button to disappear upon being pressed. The problem is that I don't know how to let the program delete specifically the button that I pressed, as all the buttons are exactly the same. When creating the delete function:

def delete(self):

I don't know how to let the program know which button it was that the user presses, so it can delete that specific one.

The question: Is there a way to let each button have something unique that allows it to be differentiated from the other buttons? Say assign each button a specific coordinate, so when button (2,3) is pressed, the numbers 2 and 3 are passed onto the delete function, so the delete function can delete button (2,3)?


While creating buttons in a loop, we can create (actually get) the unique identity.

For example: if we create a button:

button = Button(master, text="text")

we can identify it immediately:

> <tkinter.Button object .140278326922376>

If we store this identity into a list and asign a command to the button(s), linked to their index during creation, we can get their specific identity when pressed.

The only thing we have to to then is to fetch the button's identity by index, once the button is pressed.

To be able to set a command for the buttons with the index as argument, we use functools' partial.

Simplified example (python3)

In the simplified example below, we create the buttons in a loop, add their identities to the list (button_identities). The identity is fetched by looking it up with: bname = (button_identities[n]).

Now we have the identity, we can subsequently make the button do anything, including editing- or killing itself, since we have its identity.

In the example below, pressing the button will change its label to "clicked"

from tkinter import *
from functools import partial

win = Tk()
button_identities = []

def change(n):
    # function to get the index and the identity (bname)
    bname = (button_identities[n])
    bname.configure(text = "clicked")

for i in range(5):
    # creating the buttons, assigning a unique argument (i) to run the function (change)
    button = Button(win, width=10, text=str(i), command=partial(change, i))
    # add the button's identity to a list:

# just to show what happens:


Or if we make it destroy the buttons once clicked:

from tkinter import *
from functools import partial

win = Tk()
button_identities = []

def change(n):
    # function to get the index and the identity (bname)
    bname = (button_identities[n])

for i in range(5):
    # creating the buttons, assigning a unique argument (i) to run the function (change)
    button = Button(win, width=10, text=str(i), command=partial(change, i)), y=i*30)
    # add the button's identity to a list:

# just to show what happens:


Simplified code for your matrix (python3):

In the example below, I used itertools's product() to generate the coordinates for the matrix.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from tkinter import *
from functools import partial
from itertools import product

# produce the set of coordinates of the buttons
positions = product(range(10), range(10))
button_ids = []

def change(i):
    # get the button's identity, destroy it
    bname = (button_ids[i])

win = Tk()
frame = Frame(win)

for i in range(10):
    # shape the grid
    setsize = Canvas(frame, width=30, height=0).grid(row=11, column=i)
    setsize = Canvas(frame, width=0, height=30).grid(row=i, column=11)

for i, item in enumerate(positions):
    button = Button(frame, command=partial(change, i))
    button.grid(row=item[0], column=item[1], sticky="n,e,s,w")

win.minsize(width=270, height=270)
win.title("Too many squares")

More options, destroying a button by coordinates

Since product() also produces the x,y coordinates of the button(s), we can additionally store the coordinates (in coords in the example), and identify the button's identity by coordinates.

In the example below, the function hide_by_coords(): destroys the button by coordinates, which can be useful in minesweeper -like game. As an example, clicking one button als destroys the one on the right:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from tkinter import *
from functools import partial
from itertools import product

positions = product(range(10), range(10))
button_ids = []; coords = []

def change(i):
    bname = (button_ids[i])
    # destroy another button by coordinates
    # (next to the current one in this case)
    button_nextto = coords[i]
    button_nextto = (button_nextto[0] + 1, button_nextto[1])

def hide_by_coords(xy):
    # this function can destroy a button by coordinates
    # in the matrix (topleft = (0, 0). Argument is a tuple
        index = coords.index(xy)
        button = button_ids[index]
    except (IndexError, ValueError):

win = Tk()
frame = Frame(win)

for i in range(10):
    # shape the grid
    setsize = Canvas(frame, width=30, height=0).grid(row=11, column=i)
    setsize = Canvas(frame, width=0, height=30).grid(row=i, column=11)

for i, item in enumerate(positions):
    button = Button(frame, command=partial(change, i))
    button.grid(column=item[0], row=item[1], sticky="n,e,s,w")

win.minsize(width=270, height=270)
win.title("Too many squares")


If you just want to destroy the Button widget, the simple way is to add the callback after you create the button. Eg,

import Tkinter as tk

grid_size = 10

root = tk.Tk()
blank = " " * 3
for y in range(grid_size):
    for x in range(grid_size):
        b = tk.Button(root, text=blank)
        b.grid(column=x, row=y)


However, if you need to do extra processing in your callback, like updating your grid of buttons, it's convenient to store the Button's grid indices as an attribute of the Button object.

from __future__ import print_function
import Tkinter as tk

class ButtonDemo(object):
    def __init__(self, grid_size):
        self.grid_size = grid_size
        self.root = tk.Tk()
        self.grid = self.button_grid()

    def button_grid(self):
        grid = []
        blank = " " * 3
        for y in range(self.grid_size):
            row = []
            for x in range(self.grid_size):
                b = tk.Button(self.root, text=blank)
                b.config(command=lambda widget=b: self.delete_button(widget))
                b.grid(column=x, row=y)
                #Store row and column indices as a Button attribute
                b.position = (y, x)
        return grid

    def delete_button(self, widget):
        y, x = widget.position
        print("Destroying", (y, x))
        #Mark this button as invalid 
        self.grid[y][x] = None


Both of these scripts are compatible with Python 3, just change the import line to

import tkinter as tk


Try modifying your code as below:

self.b=[[0 for x in range(10)] for y in range(10)] #The 2 dimensional list
xp = yp = 0
for i in range(10):
    for j in range(10):
        self.b[i][j]=tkinter.Button(root,text="     ",command=lambda i=i,j=j: self.delete(i,j)) # creating the button
        self.b[i][j].place(x=xp,y=yp) # placing the button
        xp+=26 #because the width and height of the button is 26


def delete(self, i, j):


The following code generates 12 buttons ,4 in each row. The particular button required to be edited is called similar to calling a matrix element. As an example button[1,1] has been edited for background color and button[2,2] has been edited for foreground color and text. The programme is tested on on python3.6 pycharm console

from tkinter import *
for r in range(3):
    for c in range(4):