I have a one to many relationship in the following tables
Products [ProductId, Name(varchar)]
Keywords [KeywordId, Keyword(varchar)]
KeywordsToProducts[Id, ProductId, KeywordId]
Let's say that search text is "blue pro". I need to search for both keywords using operator 'and'.
If I do the following:
string test="blue pro";
string[]words = test.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var query = from p in Products
join kp in KeywordsToProducts on p.ProductId equals kp.ProductId
join kw in Keywords on kp.KeywordId equals kw.KeywordId
where (words.All(x=>kw.Keyword.Contains(x)))
then I don't geet anything because field keyword contains only one word.
How can I join the 'Keywrods.Keyword' db field records in order to search using 'and' operator?
If you join each matching KeywordsToProducts
to Keywords
you can gather them up and compare them:
var query = from p in Products
join kp in KeywordsToProducts on p.ProductId equals kp.ProductId into kpj
let kws = (from kp in kpj join kw in Keywords on kp.KeywordId equals kw.KeywordId select kw.Keyword)
where words.All(w => kws.Any(kw => kw.Contains(w)))
select p;
However, I think it is easier to understand (and possibly more efficient) if you do the KeywordsToProducts
to Keywords
separately and first (note that it shows the join table would have been better named KeywordIdsToProductIds
var kwToProducts = from kp in KeywordsToProducts
join kw in Keywords on kp.KeywordId equals kw.KeywordId
select new { kp.ProductId, kw.Keyword };
var query = from p in Products
join kwp in kwToProducts on p.ProductId equals kwp.ProductId into kwpj
where words.All(w => kwpj.Any(kwp => kwp.Keyword.Contains(w)))
select p;
While I'm not (necessarily) a fan of mentioning it, also note EF navigation properties can hide the join table and make this query easier as well.
It would be something like:
var query = from p in Products
where words.All(w => p.Keywords.Any(k => k.Contains(w)))
select p;
I am assuming you meant to use String.Contains
so users can type in parts of keywords and still find matches. If you want to require all of the keyword to be matched, here is the same code:
var query = from p in Products
join kp in KeywordsToProducts on p.ProductId equals kp.ProductId into kpj
let kws = (from kp in kpj join kw in Keywords on kp.KeywordId equals kw.KeywordId select kw.Keyword)
where words.All(w => kws.Contains(w))
select p;
Splitting subjoin:
var kwToProducts = from kp in KeywordsToProducts
join kw in Keywords on kp.KeywordId equals kw.KeywordId
select new { kp.ProductId, kw.Keyword };
var query = from p in Products
join kwp in kwToProducts on p.ProductId equals kwp.ProductId into kwpj
where words.All(w => kwpj.Select(kwp => kwp.Keyword).Contains(w))
select p;
EF Navigation Property:
var query = from p in Products
where words.All(w => p.Keywords.Contains(w))
select p;